Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vive X Virtual Reality Global Accelerator Program $100M


HTC is coming up with more ways to get people interested in virtual reality which is why they came up with the Vive X in China today. HTC announced that it will be devoting $100 million to the new virtual reality accelerator program for developers.

The applications are live on HTC’s site and the accelerator will be at locations in Beijing, San Francisco and Taipei. If you get in now you might have a chance to get into the VR space and work with heavy hitters. If you are a developer for virtual reality then this is your chance to get into VR.

HTC launched the HTC Vive last month and I’m sure they are trying to get developers to jump on their headset. Virtual reality is changing the world as we see it today and this is only the start to an amazing technology journey.

“Virtual reality is changing the world, yet to do that effectively it needs a healthy eco-system to expand into the mass market,” said HTC CEO Cher Wang.

Keep following VRTechTalk for more information on the HTC Vive and the latest virtual reality tech news.

Vive X Virtual Reality Global Accelerator Program $100M

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