Thursday, April 21, 2016

Virtual Reality In The Hospital for Surgery and Therapy

There are many uses for virtual reality like games, media and entertainment but now you can start seeing virtual reality stepping into the medical world. In the video above you can see kids using the HTC Vive and experencing less pain after using the HMD. One child was playing with Tilt Brush by Google on the HTC Vive. You can expect to see many more uses like this and maybe even used for virtual reality therapy.

You can even experience a surgery in virtual reality with he help of the latest 360 video technology. The video above shows doctors woking on a survey where its being recorded by a Virtual reality camera rig. You can then join by with using any of the VR headsets that are alarm out like the Gear VR or the Google Cardboard.

Keep following VRTechTalk for more news on immersive medical virtual reality experiences.

Virtual Reality In The Hospital for Surgery and Therapy

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