Friday, April 8, 2016

Playstation VR Bundle is still available for Pre-Order

It looks like the Playstation VR Bundle is still available for Pre-Order. You can still try to get it if you did not get a chance to pre-order it already. They have the limited time bundle and you can only get it now.

On Tuesday, March 22nd, pre-orders opened for the PlayStation VR Launch Bundle at major retailers. Exclusively for pre-sale and in limited quantities, this bundle includes:

  • All contents of the PS VR core bundle:
    • PS VR headset

    • PS VR cables

    • Stereo Headphones

    • PlayStation VR Demo Disc

  • PlayStation Camera

  • 2 PlayStation Move motion controllers

  • PlayStation VR Worlds (disc)

For $499.99 in the US this bundle provides an unbeatable value to get right into VR gaming with your PlayStation 4. Playstation is including one of the top PS VR launch games, PlayStation VR Worlds right out of the box. This bundle will also be available in Canada for $699.99 CAD.

There has been a great response to PlayStation VR so far, and I bet you can’t wait to get your hands on one.

Playstation VR Bundle is still available for Pre-Order

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