Thursday, April 21, 2016

RYOT Acquired by AOL Adding Immersive Video to the Huffington Post

RYOT is an immersive media and content studio that is based in LA,  they announced that they have been acquired by Verizon’s AOL division. RYOT will be working with he Huffing Post to bring enhanced global news coverage view virtual reality and 360 degree video content.

Most likely RYOT will be working with other companies owned by AOL like TechCrunch and Engadget. RYOT will be focused on working with The Huffington Post at first.

“The Huffington Post is continuing to reimagine journalism as we move into the next generation of dynamic storytelling,” said Arianna Huffington, cofounder and editor in chief of the Huffington Post, in a press release.


RYOT Acquisition adds 360 video and VR content to Huffington Post.

RYOT launched in 2012 with the mission to link a news story to actions. They have been working with many media types but found that virtual reality is the best way to tell their stories.

“The Huffington Post blazed the trail by empowering people to tell their own stories in their own voices,” said RYOT Co-Founder Bryn Mooser.

RYOT will focus on a handful of stories each month that take you deep inside using the latest immersive virtual reality technology.

This is some pretty cool stuff and its just the beginning. I can’t wait o watch news stories in VR as they are happing like if I was there. Keep following VRTechTalk for the latest virtual reality news from RYOT.

RYOT Acquired by AOL Adding Immersive Video to the Huffington Post

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