Friday, April 1, 2016

Google Cardboard Plastic? #CardboardPlastic


Google does it again this year with their April fools joke for 2016. They came  up with this idea of a plastic Cardboard VR which I think is kind of hilarious. This is what actual reality is and will be like in the future of Cardboard VR.  Although there have been rumors of Google working on a plastic version of Google Cardboard but maybe this was all a hoax from the beginning.

I really think google is working on something big for virtual reality especially with the VR View announcement. I don’t think this plastic virtual reality headset is it but I know they will announce something new. All the hype about VR this year will be huge and Google as one of the big tech companies I know they will lead virtual reality in a positive way for the consumers.

Check out Google April fools 2016 video below some funny stuff lol 😂

Google Cardboard Plastic? #CardboardPlastic

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