Saturday, June 4, 2016

Windows Holographic the new AR/VR OS from Microsoft

Now anyone can create their very own augmented reality (AR) headset with the Windows Holographic platform. Like engadget said in an article Microsoft has basically opened up the platform to all of its partners just like they did with windows for PC. I think this is a very smart move by Microsoft seeing that the VR industry is blowing up right now. What do you think?

The HoloLens is an amazing peace of hardware but it is also very expensive at the moment. Opening up Windows Holographic will open up many opportunities for new innovations and ideas. There are already some rumors that there is a third party company working on a HoloLens clone that might launch before the actual Microsoft HoloLens it self. Thats great new because I want to get my hand on an AR headset soon. You are getting one too I know don’t worry I won’t tell anyone how excited you are.

Im sure we will see some of Microsofts partners like Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP and Lenovo come up with some exciting devices. Microsoft has always been the leader in the software licensing market so its really no surprise here. Windows Holographic will also power virtual reality headset like the HTC Vive seen in the demo video above.

The possibilities are endless with Microsoft Holographic with both VR and AR working together who knows what we will come up with. In the end this is very good for developers and consumers now there are more big names in the market. This means that VR and AR is hear to stay even though there are some that think it will be a phase.

Follow VRTechTalk for more on windows Holographic and the latest virtual reality teach news.

Windows Holographic the new AR/VR OS from Microsoft

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